Trademark Services

Why a federally registered Trademark? Because your idea and hard work deserves protection! Remember, your business won’t be small forever. Whether you own a new business or you’re a creator of any content, goods, or services, protecting your brand is crucial for its longevity and success.

Did you know? Trademarking not only protects your mark in the stream of commerce, it also can be used to generate income through licensing! Yet another passive source of income.

Please see below all of the different trademark services we offer from the initial filing of your application, all the way to prosecuting and defending your trademark before the TTAB and in federal courts.

Investment starting at $950 for existing trademarks (prices are subject to increase at any time without prior notice)

Investment starting at $1,800 for registrations (prices are subject to increase at any time without prior notice)

How Can We Help?

New Trademark Applications

  • Trademark strategy

  • Conducting a comprehensive search of your desired mark

  • Applying for your desired mark

  • Response to office actions

Existing Trademarks

  • Trademark Maintenance

  • Trademark Enforcement such as issuing Cease and Desist letters

  • Transferring Ownership or other administrative matters

  • Trademark Licenses

  • Trademark Acquisitions and Assignments

  • Trademark Coexistence, Consent, and Settlement Agreements

Trademark Litigation

  • Prosecute and defend oppositions, cancellations, and appeals before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  • Litigate trademark disputes in federal courts

  • Prosecute and defend domain name proceedings under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy and similar policies.