Trademark Enforcement & Litigation
If you own a trademark, you don't want anyone else using it or any mark close to it that would cause confusion for your customers or clients. Your trademark is your brand, your reputation and recognition for your customers in a crowded marketplace. If you discover that another company or person is infringing on your trademark, you can and should take action to enforce your rights.
You can send what is called a Cease and Desist letter to notify the infringer that they must stop using the mark you believe is infringing on your registered mark. It is best to consult with an attorney to know if you have a valid claim before taking this preliminary step. If after sending the Cease and Desist letter the infringer does not respond or responds saying they will not stop using the mark, then you have the option of filing a federal lawsuit in court.
There are several other Trademark matters we can help you with. Please see below for more information.
How Can We Help?
Trademark Enforcement
Cease and Desist Letters
Trademark Litigation
Prosecute and defend oppositions, cancellations, and appeals before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the US Patent and Trademark Office.
Prosecute and defend domain name proceedings under the Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy and similar policies.